Hi Mona!

Hi Mona!

Where is Schnitzel?

Where is Schnitzel?

April Weather

April Weather

Evening round with Schnitzel

Evening round with Schnitzel

Golden Schnitzel in the morningsun

Golden Schnitzel in the morningsun

Cold Morning

Cold Morning

Das war mein 50. Geburtstag

Mona Masquée in Paris

Louvre Pyramide von innen

Louvre Pyramid

Fahrscheinwerfer 2CV

Gare de Lyon


Relax! Relax! Today I am not the driver!

Relax! Relax! Today I am not the driver!

What a fantastic day!

What a fantastic day!

Nice view

Nice view

Welcome Mona Masquée

Welcome Mona Masquée

Swatch Paris

Swatch Paris

Mona Masquée

Mona Masquée

Stawi, BonZai & Monna Lisa

Stawi, BonZai & Monna Lisa

Express tour

Express tour

We have Fun

We have Fun

Enten Tour

Enten Tour

Enten Tour

Enten Tour

Stawi, now in Paris

Stawi, now in Paris
